How To
Hairstyle: 2 Twist Updo

You ready for a fun updo? This hairstyle is as easy as two twists. All you need is your Up, two elastics and some bobby pins. Read on to see the steps for this unique do.
3. Add more hair to each section (the one that is on the right) as you are twisting to make it bigger and take it to the back of your head.
4. Keep going until you have twisted about half of your hair. Twist the rest of the way down, and secure with an elastic.
5. Repeat on the other side with the rest of your hair. Secure the second twist with an elastic.
6. Take the first twist and pin it up.
7. Take the twists and pin them up. There isn't a right or wrong way here. Make it your own!
Tip: You can zig zag the twists back and forth to get them all pinned up. Take it to the right and pin, then go underneath and take it back to the left.
8. Pull some pieces out around your face, and if you are feeling more adventurous you can pull the twists apart to add more volume. Then voila! You are done!